Photos of GLOKEN Kendama Photo Contest 2012 2nd
The WINNERS of the 2nd GLOKEN Photo Contest
1st KENundawater
Due to the hot tropical weather we have in Malaysia, I guess its not bad of an idea to get some wet kendama action underwater.
Fahim bin Fadzlishah (Malaysia) 487 points
2nd Lost in the mountains
I hiked with my Snowboard on the top of this swiss mountain for making the photo. You can see that playing Kendama is not only possible in the cities. All around the world you CAN play Kendama, also on a top of a mountain! It was really cold (-10 degrees), but I think it’s a great picture!! After that shot I had an awesome powder run! Successful day for me!
Daniela von Rohr (Switzerland) 376 pts
3rd Jake eye on the prize
This is a photo of Jake Wiens at home in the famous KenGarden. I shot this one awhile ago but figured it was perfect for this comp because I felt like there is a lot of action in this shot from the kendama, to the look on his eyes. Hope you guys enjoy. Also he is playing on a version 1 yellow sunrise. I also tried to have only the string in focus which i think worked out nicely, and created a nice foreground, background and middle ground.
Matthew Rice (USA) 371 pts
4th けん玉で一休み(Rest on the kendama)
Takahiro Oshiro (Japan) 350 pts
5th Multitasking
Snowboarding and kendama are two of my favourite things to do, so I decided to try doing both at once! Frontside 50-50 jumping stick.
Alex Smith (Canada) 330 pts
6th Flash Storm
For Kendama Action I wanted to capture multiple points of action within one frame. In this picture of Matt Rice doing a tornado in front of San Francisco City Hall I have captured the movement and full cycle of the trick within one shot. Please note that this is all in camera and no photoshop was used for this effect. I set my camera for a long expsure to capture the buildings, plants, and the moon. As the shutter is open I fire a flash multiple times to freeze the subject in different positions. This creates the effect in the photo.
Jake Wiens (USA) 301 pts
6th Lunar ho
This is a picture of me raging the Kendom while I was in Chile on one of their last remaining glaciers
aron Paul (USA) 301 pts
8th Stay cool and play free
the motivation of the photo is take Action and feel free to play outsite no matter what the tempeture is.
Alex Ruisch (The Netherlands) 291 pts
9th Winter Kendamaland
It was snowing like crazy outside and I got inspired to try a new trick. No matter what the weather you must kendama!
Matt Sweets Jorgenson (USA) 285 pts
GLOKEN Special Award Girls day out
It was taken by my girlfriends when they were in Egypt a few weeks ago.They are all regular kendama players who was at the beech impressing all the boys.
All entries to the contest
- 096 “Winning lighthouse.” (Russia) Picture taken at the contest for the yo-yo in my town. There was also a speed ladder of kendama. In the photo the final of this ladders.
- 097 “celebration” (USA) In this picture I tried to capture the happiness that landing a trick can give you, and how kendama can bring you closer to friends and even help you make new friends! This is a still image of my friend’s and I’s reaction to us al
- 098 “Kendama Roots” (USA) Hiked to the top of a little hill in plain .This picture to me represents the action of kendama, while being at peace and represents the patience one can find while playing. I really don’t care if this picture encapsulates the co
- 100 “けん玉で一休み -Rest on Kendama-” (Japan) チョウは旅をするチョウ、アサギマダラです。このけん玉から、南の国へ旅立ちました。
- 099 “Mt Fuji” (Japan) 日本の代表する山、富士山。ダブル富士山とけん玉です
- 001 ”Stay cool and play free” (The Netherlands) the motivation of the photo is take Action and feel free to play outsite no matter what the tempeture is.
- 002 “Kenflippin” (Denmark) all day” just one more kenflip before the sun goes down!
- 003 “Hand & Eye Coordination” (France) This picture that one of my friend took of me playing in a late afternoon session is for me a good representation of kendama in action. You can see how my eyes and my hands are coordinate to land the tricks. The war
- 004 “Shaving and Shaping into Something Amazing” (USA) We mainly see a kendama and the first thing we think about is how fun it’d be to play, or how interesting it looks, or even for the unseasoned few, “what is it?”. But the action we rarely get to se
- 005 ” kendama rising sun” (Australia) Photo taken in Australia. sunrise mollymook beach south coast Australia woke up at 5 in the morning with my brother to capture the moment
- 006 ” High Big Cup” (Germany) My brother playing some kendama on a hill in Freiburg, Germany.
- 007 “Kendama in Action” (USA) This is my submission for the contest. I am doing a Bird Over Valley in my front yard. In the background, you can see the scenic view of the trees and the sky
- 009 “Kendama Rocks!” (USA) Aeroplane landing at Vasquez Rocks in Santa Clarita California. Additional Info: Vasquez Rocks has been used in a lot of times in various movies / TV shows. Most notably in several Star Trek episodes. Enough that it is often a
- 010 “No title” ( unknown)
- 011 “Kendama Juggling on the Cumberland” (USA) My friends and I enjoy going down by the river to play kendama and tell people about kendama. It is a peaceful place to relax and enjoy landing tricks.
- 013 “a dummy for the number 13” by GLOKEN
- 012 “No title” (Romania) The Photo is taken a couples of years. when i had just one kendama. I got that one kendama from a friend of mine that did now that i liked very much Japan . So i was so in to it…didnt now where to find more kendamas to buy…
- 014 “mellow yellow in the sun” (UK) my yellow ozora in Andorra Spain when i went skiing there on holiday over Christmas. when looking at it you may not see action but it has a strong sense of possibility and fun in this picture. knowing you can pick up
- 015 “No title” (unknown) Me doing a spacewalk on a snowy day
- 016 “Lunar Shadows” (USA) Shot in the early evening on an old train, I found it only fitting that we photograph a lunar flip. “Lunar Shadows” is a great representation of how good Kendama looks under the moonlight. Stomping tricks doesn’t have to be
- 017 “Shredding” (USA) This is a photo of my friend Cody Wilson i took a couple of weeks ago. I love the way i portrays his playing style and laid back attitude.
- 019 “What Goes Around; Comes Around” (USA) This behind the back spacewalk image was captured one evening on my way home from work by my girlfriend . We had stopped by the shore to play kendama and observe the beautiful sunset before dinner
- 018 “Kenflip In Motion” (USA) Picture was taken in a small town in Kentucky by the local train station.
- 020 “practice makes perfect” (USA) i took this at a spot i like to go and practice kendama by myself. i always find it calming to play by the water. And this is the best picture I’ve gotten that captures the feeling.
- 021 “Lighthouse on the Risky Mountains of Koke’e” (USA) This is me doing a lighthouse on a mountain in Koke’e. The mountain is roughly about 3,000 ft tall. Doing various tricks with lighthouses I risk a lot doing this pic Overlooks the beautiful view of
- 022 “Spacewalk” (USA) A simple Spacewalk can be the highlight of my day. As I throw the ken into the air, I go into a moment of focus and silence. Nothing else matters other than kendama at this time. I then wait for the tama to go in for the spike. A Spa
- 023 “Zen-Dama” (USA) This is a picture taken of me playing kendama in the beautiful Japanese Tea Gardens of San Francisco.
- 024 “Kendama fire” (Russia) Kendama is heat!, It glows in the eyes of every kid and kendama player, and i am spreading kendama warmth all over!
- 026 “Kendama in Koke’e” (USA) This photo was taken in Koke’e on the beautiful island of Kauai while me and my friend were filming for kendama edits. Koke’e is basicly the Grand Canyon of Hawaii
- 025 “Lost in the mountains” (Switzerland) I hiked with my Snowboard on the top of this swiss mountain for making the photo. You can see that playing Kendama is not only possible in the cities. All around the world you CAN play Kendama, also on a top of
- 027 “FUN” (USA) The Reason i call this fun is because there really is no action of kendama. I think of kendama as just a way to spread the joy and have fun. When we, Hawaii Kendama Team, were filming for our second HKT edit we all came together and
- 028 “Pittsburgh rooftop session” (USA) This picture was taken on the roof of my house in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, I woke up at 6:30 to get the sunrise in the shot, which you can see on the right.
- 029 “Seattle Spirit Kendamaing” (USA) On top of a building enjoying the peaceful Seattle view along with some Kendama action.
- 030 “Aim and Fire ” (USA) A snapshot I took of Joey Swisher getting down before the sun dipped behind the mountains.
- 031 “No title” (Japan)
- 032 “Kendama is part of my body” (Hong Kong) Kendama is just like a part of my body. Just like an eye. My life will not be colorful without eyes.
- 033 “Kendama On A Rock. ” (USA) This is a photo of me playing Kendama outside of my house on Hayden Lake. The water was so peaceful and looked like a mirror.
- 035 “Seesaw spiking in the snow” (UK) A bit of stringless silliness on a cold day in Bristol!
- 034 “Back Field, Kendama Sunset” (USA) every kendama is made of materials from nature and a kendama’s action is its communion with nature as shown is this picture where a kendama sits on top of a dirt and grass mound with the sun peaking through the trees
- 36 “Sheep-on-stick” (UK) Quadruple Spacewalk, no worries!
- 037 “Kendama in the forest” (Canada) Me and my friend Samuel went it the forest that is near my house and did a little photo shoot since it wasn’t too cold outside.
- 039 “A Light in the Darkness” (UK) This photo I took when playing with my Kendama in the dark. I then saw it reflect some green light off my computer monitor indicator and thought it looked really cool, so i decided to paint the entire Kendama in a UV sen
- 038 “Reaching for the Sky” (UK) I took this photo of a friend outside my house in Norfolk, experimenting with a new camera. I took several, most of which didn’t come out at all, but I loved this picture as the sun was going down and loved the way the tree
- 040 “No one likes to miss, even if it does mean getting slightly wet!” (UK) The photo is of me diving to try and spike the ball (no one likes to miss, even if it does mean getting slightly wet)!
- 041 “The beautiful sunset on the boardwalk of Kauai,Hawaii, enjoying the fun of kendama.” (USA)
- 042 “Winter Lightning Drop” ( Switzerland) this photo was self shot, in the night, with my Iphone to light my feet so I can see the kendama and land the trick. remote controle in my other hand to trigger the flash 2 times during 8″ exposure.
- 043 “影 -Shadow-” (Japan) 技を決めるときの影を撮ってみました。
- 044 “Flash Storm” (USA) For Kendama Action I wanted to capture multiple points of action within one frame. In this picture of Matt Rice doing a tornado in front of San Francisco City Hall I have captured the movement and full cycle of the trick within o
- 045 Nothing like damaing with friends” (USA) This picture is of my friends playing kendama in our backyard, the beautiful Kaua’i Hawaii. The action of kendama for me is the adreanaline you get from playing and landing that one trick you’ve been trying for
- 047 “Rocky Mountain Kendama” (USA)
- 046 ” Snowken” (UK) the photo was taken around 10:30pm and is me playing by a graffiti wall while it was snowing
- 048 “Carson Valley Kendama” (USA) The game of kendama has grown incredibly quickly here in the Carson Valley. With the beautiful Sierra Nevadas as a backdrop, this area truly represents the simplicity and serenity of kendama.
- 049 “Balance” (Canada) I feel that the true action of kendama is balance, without balance it is impossible to master kendama. I feel that this picture perfectly represents the precision and focus that is needed for kendama.
- 051 “sunset finger balance” (USA) I wanted to capture the scenery and the concentration that I had when I took this shot. I’m also using my beat up yellow ozora which I have had for a year now and all the sweat and effort I have put into it.
- 050 “Jake eye on the prize” (USA) This is a photo of Jake Wiens at home in the famous KenGarden. I shot this one awhile ago but figured it was perfect for this comp because I felt like there is a lot of action in this shot from the kendama, to the look on
- 052 “The Biltmore” (USA) The Biltmore estate is the largest home in the United States and I was lucky enough to tour it. I hope that you enjoy My entry.
- 053 “Spread the love.” (USA) We painted this dancing bear playing Kendama on a primary school in Nepal. I left my Kendama there with these kids simply to spread the love… and the kids could shred the dama.
- 055 “A snowy day stuck outside” (USA) “The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
- 054 “Kendama in India” (USA) I stayed with this family in Jhadol India. I’v never meet a girl who was so intrigued with kendama. she was spiking it this first day she tried doming!!
- 056 “mother nature” (USA) i am a cherokee native american another thing i love to do besides kendama is get in touch with nature the world is a beautiful place and i beleive you should be able to explore it as you wish.
- 057 “Many People Playing Kendama!” (USA)
- 058 “Friends Playing Kendama ” (USA) Some Of My Friends Playing Kendama ! Got A Nice Shot
- 059 “Kendama saved my life” (USA) This picture is of me playing Kendama on the Vista Bridge, also known as the suicide bridge in Portland, Oregon. Two of my close acquaintances have jumped off this bridge recently so this spot has a vast amount of meaning
- 060 “IT’S NOT JUST A TOY!” (Switzerland) This Picture is a captured scene of a very funny Kendama Jam session with Jeffry van Reeven and Alex Ruisch. I visited them in Amsterdam last year to enjoy Kendama. We figured out new trick’s, did some business tal
- 061 “No title” (USA) This is a photo of me doing some variation of a spacewalk in the most beautiful place i have ever been. The colors of the plants, lake and mountains accent eachother in such a way that the black kendama really sticks out.
- 062 “Stillness” (Canada) this picture represents me playing kendama, with a clear, open mind, not worried about anything but the stillness within the present moment. kendama meditation!! 🙂
- 063 “Kendamino Effect” (USA) Kendama and Dominos share many similarities. They are a universal language. You can sit quietly with a person from another country and enjoy a game of dominos without saying a word, much like kendama. This image illustrates on
- 064 “Winter Kendamaland” (USA) It was snowing like crazy outside and I got inspired to try a new trick. No matter what the weather you must kendama!
- 065 “Love” (USA) this is a photo that I took or two of my close friends playing kendama.
- 067 “Winter Kendama Sunset” (Canada) This photo was taken around sunset near the river-valley in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- 066 “Just Let Go!” (USA)
- 068 “Shred Continuously” (USA) This is a photo that I took of William Penniman, a pro for Sweets Kendamas, in North Carolina at a juggling festival. The trick he was filming was single, double, triple stilt flip!!
- 069 “Growth” (USA) The kendama is being passed down to a younger child, the younger child seeing how interesting and how fun the toy looks. This plants a “seed” starting and spreading the growth of kendama.
- 070 “Multitasking” (Canada) Snowboarding and kendama are two of my favourite things to do, so I decided to try doing both at once! Frontside 50-50 jumping stick.
- 071 “No title” (USA) this is a photo of Matt “Sweets” Jorgenson about to spike after a ken flip. This is the room we all play Kendama in alllllll the time 🙂
- 073 “Get a Grip” (USA) Our cat loves to play kendama as much as we do, sometimes its hard for him to give them up!
- 072 “Mark Hills Birthday Bash” (USA) The photo was taken at Mark Hills Birthday Bash Its a picture of kids competing in the beginner ladders to win a prize.
- 074 “A Game of D.A.M.A.” (USA) The two players play a game of D.A.M.A. and both of them both have a M. The player on the right finishes the close game with a stilts flip and his opponent is in disbelief and can’t believe it! What a game!
- 075 “For the Love of the Game” (USA) Photo of me doing a double swing to spike in front of the artwork of two local graffiti writers.
- 076 “Lunar ho” (USA) This is a picture of me raging the Kendom while I was in Chile on one of their last remaining glaciers
- 77 “No title” (Canada)Basically i wanted a picture that showed movement through a trick, which i feel is well displayed in this image of a forward spacewalk. The only photoshopping i did was to darken the image slightly in order to see it better, but i u
- 078 “Dama In The Snow” (USA) Very fun shot! It started to snow so i decided to make the best of it and get a really cool shot out of it!
- 079 “Around the World” (USA) Me and my friend had a lot of fun taking this picture. It is a 30 second exposure and I flashed my friend a few times with an off camera flash. No Photoshop was used only some retouching in adobe lightroom.
- 080 “Fluidity” (USA) Fluidity—the property of moving and flowing easily. This word is what describes kendama to me. Kendama is about executing tricks in a neat manner. This picture is my way of capturing the fluid movement of kendama.
- 081 “Movement ” (Canada) Playing kendama is about progress, growth of skill, and the action involved in creating each trick, not just the end result. This image captures the act of performing one trick from its beginning to completion.
- 082 “Kendama Sun Sparkle” (USA) This past November I had the opportunity to accompany the KendamaUSA Pro team to Japan and take photos of their travels. It gave me the opportunity to witness the great love and pride so many of the Japanese players take i
- 083 “Brotherhood” (USA) The photograph attached was taken from a local kendama community event in Sacramento, California. This event took place in the year 2011, shortly after the highly acclaimed “Mateo Challenge.” The local hero, Dave Mateo, had left Sa
- 085 “Sunset’s Moonlander” (Indonesia)
- 086 “Oh, no!” (Japan) 初心者が一生懸命練習している姿です。
- 087 “Too many ‘damas” (Denmark) Yesterday we hung out at the Kendama DK shop and got a little silly with too many ‘damas
- 088 “KENundawater” (Malaysia) Due to the hot tropical weather we have in Malaysia, I guess its not bad of an idea to get some wet kendama action underwater.
- 089 “Springtime” (UK)
- 090 “The ‘dama express” (Denmark) The bike I am standing in is the one we do all our daily kendama deliveries in and the one we take out when we are doing battles its like all around Copenhagen. The situation is Thorkild May and I coming back from deliver
- 091 “No title” (UK)
- 092 “Girls day out!’ (Denmark) It was taken by my girlfriends when they were in Egypt a few weeks ago. They are all regular kendama players who was at the beech impressing all the boys.
- 093 “Dog is doing Spacewalk” (Poland) My photo shows My dog doing spacewalk in winter. It takes me a lot of time to shot such a picture.
- 094 “Spacewalk fun” (USA) I was outside of my piano teacher’s house and started playing kendama.
- 095 ” Kendama around the world ” (USA) Kendama artist Katya sending kendama love from Costa Rica
- 084 “little warm up before skiing” (Poland) As you can see I’m practising my kendama skills before skiing in my home. It’s good warm up 😉